Stanford Continuing Studies Winter Courses 2024

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Letter From The Director
Jennifer Deitz headshot

Letter from
the Director


appy Holidays! We are grateful to all of you for your ongoing support of Continuing Studies. We hope 2024 will be filled with the joy that comes from new learning and that you’ll find courses in our lineup that inspire you.

We are excited to have had Angel Evan join our team as Business and Technology Curriculum Director this past year. He has put much thought and care into reshaping and expanding our offerings to help those seeking to build their professional skills in these highly dynamic and quickly evolving times. I invited him to write this quarter’s catalog letter and share with you some of his thoughts and reflections; I hope you’ll take a moment to read it.


Jennifer Dietz signature

Jennifer Deitz
Director & Associate Dean
Angel Evan headshot
Dear Friends,

inter is a time of reflection. As one year ends and another begins, we often take inventory of our accomplishments, examine our losses, and commit new life lessons to long-term memory. This act of self-reflection invariably forces us to ask ourselves what we’ve learned, giving way to the more significant question: What have we yet to learn? It’s a challenging question that each of us answers differently.

One thing many students in Continuing Studies have in common is a shared belief in ongoing education. For some, that mantra has never resonated more deeply than now, as the disruptions these past few years have forced us to confront the question of how best to prepare ourselves for the future. Whether we’re seeking career advancement, choosing healthier lifestyle habits, or simply satiating a curiosity, the choices we make for education represent the investments we make in our future selves and create the path for moving forward.

This winter’s courses, like each quarter, also share a commonality: a belief that they should help our students realize their personal pursuits and interests. While every course is enriching, a few demonstrably capture the spirit of reinvention and growth. Raj Bhargava’s course “Your Next Life Chapter: A Design Thinking and Behavioral Science-Based Approach” is perfect for those who find themselves at an unfamiliar crossroads in life. Richard Kim’s course, “Making High-Quality Decisions: A Practical Guide to Decision Analysis,” a course with a mix of math, philosophy, and gut instinct, may be helpful to those looking to navigate personal and professional situations more effectively. Ronjon Nag’s “A Crash Course in AI” provides an approachable starting point for those interested in understanding artificial intelligence, its history, underlying technology, and how it may impact them.

Having been in data science for a decade now, I often use data as a lens to help interpret the world around me. (Note: I score highly on the “Type 5” of the Enneagram, a course we’re also offering this quarter by Suzanne Taylor.) Fives tend to be analytical and investigative. Those are valuable skills when trying to understand the changing patterns in course enrollments quarter to quarter. Some of those insights have been quite surprising. Interest in our data science, machine learning, and AI courses has seen substantial growth over the past several quarters, and we continue to offer a battery of courses ranging from beginning programming to the implementation of large language models. What’s unique about our version of these courses is that they’re taught by live instructors who emphasize helping people become better overall problem solvers instead of simply mastering single-task competencies. Who teaches you matters, and our business, technology, and data science instructors are valued for their expertise and deep knowledge in solving real-world challenges.

We’ve also seen a steady interest in our liberal arts, communication, and creative writing courses. Even in this modern day, with questions around how generative AI may impact the production of art and prose, classic authors such as Milton and Tolstoy—two retrospective courses we’re offering this quarter—are still as relevant as ever. I interpret the data to mean that fulfilling one’s obligations to oneself mustn’t be formulaic but authentic for the individual. That is precisely why our curriculum constantly evolves, much like our students.

Whether you’re looking for a new direction in your career or want to create room in your life to indulge in a personal interest, every course you take is an investment in yourself. Investing in oneself is a high-yielding venture, and the dividends are endless. We hope you continue making that investment and wish you the best in your academic pursuits.

Warm Regards,

Angel Evan signature

Angel Evan
Business and Technology Curriculum Director
Featured Courses

Featured Courses

Liberal Arts & Sciences

Liberal Arts & Sciences

Immerse yourself in the liberal arts to awaken your creativity, enhance your critical thinking abilities, and gain a deeper understanding of our complex world. From fine arts to film, language to literature, philosophy to history, explore a rich array of courses in the liberal arts and sciences.


The Art and Archaeology of Sicily
Patrick Hunt
Former Director, Stanford Alpine Archaeology Project; Research Associate, Archeoethnobotany, Institute of EthnoMedicine

Discover the cultural and historical richness of Sicily in this captivating journey through millennia of art, architecture, and civilizations that have shaped the island. From Greek temples to Baroque architecture, explore Sicily’s remarkable treasures and delve into its relatively unknown but profound cultural heritage.

On Campus

Art History

How to Look at Art and Why
Alexander Nemerov
Carl and Marilynn Thoma Provostial Professor in the Arts and Humanities, Stanford

Unlock the transformative power of art and discover a deeper connection to the great paintings of the Renaissance, Baroque, and Romantic periods. Led by Professor Alexander Nemerov, this exploration of the art world aims not only to teach you how to look at paintings but also explore why we do so, inviting you to embrace vulnerability and openness as you seek moments of emotional truth through the profound works of masters like Caravaggio, Rembrandt, and Vermeer.

On Campus
Botticelli: Master of Renaissance Florence
Emanuele Lugli
Assistant Professor of Art History, Stanford

Explore the captivating world of the renowned Italian Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli, from his iconic paintings like the Primavera and The Birth of Venus to his lesser-known works and his connection with the influential Medici family. Plus, immerse yourself in the vibrant 15th-century Florence that shaped his art and gain a richer understanding of his creative legacy.



Seneca the Stoic: Philosopher, Playwright, Politician
Barbara Clayton
Independent Scholar

Embark on a philosophical journey into Stoicism with a deep dive into the works and life of Lucius Annaeus Seneca, a prominent figure in ancient Rome. Through explorations of Seneca’s writings, philosophical letters, and dramatic tragedies, this course offers valuable insights into achieving tranquility, wisdom, and virtue in the face of life’s challenges, while also exploring the complexities of Seneca’s own life and ethical dilemmas.

On Campus

Climate Change & Sustainability

Climate Change in Context: What Does the Past Tell Us about the Future?
Michael McWilliams
Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Emeritus, Stanford
Franklin (Lynn) Orr
Keleen and Carlton Beal Professor in Petroleum Engineering, Emeritus, Stanford; Former Under Secretary for Science and Energy, US Department of Energy
Dive into the fascinating world of geological thinking and climate change as we explore the concept of uniformitarianism and its relevance to understanding the Earth’s climate history. Travel through time—from the distant past to the present—to unravel the complex interplay between natural forces and human impacts on our planet’s climate, gaining valuable insights into what the future may hold.

Climate Justice in the US: Understanding Disparities and Building a Sustainable Future
Belinda Ramírez
COLLEGE Teaching Fellow in the Civic, Liberal, and Global Education Program, Stanford
As the impacts of climate change ripple unevenly across society, explore how marginalized communities bear a disproportionate burden. From Flint, Michigan’s water crisis to California’s wildfires, dive into real-world case studies, revealing not only the devastating effects but also the resilient activism emerging from the front lines of climate change. Empower yourself with knowledge and a passion for change as we explore innovative strategies and solutions, from urban agriculture to Indigenous activism.


Cultural Studies

From Lenin to Putin: Russian Society through Literature, 1920-2020
Kristen Edwards
Independent Scholar

From the Bolshevik Revolution to contemporary Russia, explore the influence of Russian literature on the nation’s history and culture and trace the evolution of Russian society through the works of renowned novelists, poets, and short story authors.

On Campus

Current Events

Poverty and Prosperity: Foundations of Economic Development
Dinsha Mistree
Fellow, Rule of Law Program, Stanford Law School

Explore the complexities of economic development and the destiny of nations in this course, where you’ll examine the interplay between states and markets, government functions, political regimes, and the pursuit of economic well-being in underdeveloped regions.


Film Studies

The Ten Greatest Films of All Time: Part I
Jonathan Crow
Artist; Filmmaker

Every decade, the British film journal Sight and Sound conducts a poll to determine the greatest films of all time. Take a deep dive into the bold and diverse 2022 results, including Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen’s joyful Singin’ in the Rain, Lynch’s acclaimed thriller Mulholland Drive, and Stanely Kubrick’s towering science fiction achievement 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The Hollywood Blacklist, 1947–58
Elliot Lavine
Film Historian; Filmmaker

Uncover the hidden narratives of Hollywood’s subversive genre films during the era of the Blacklist. Explore the impact of political and social subtexts in films like High Noon and Body and Soul, shedding light on the artists who faced persecution for their creative expressions during a tumultuous period in American history.

The 1980s on Screen: Highlights from a Transformative Decade
Mick LaSalle
Film Critic, Hearst Newspapers

Cinema of the 1980s reflected the major transformations taking place in American cultural and political life. Dive into the era of political conservatism, cultural shifts, and the emergence of genres like action franchises, neo-noir, and independent cinema, with a focus on iconic films and their underlying themes from each year of the decade.

On Campus


The Making of the Early Modern World: Global History and Geography, 1200–1800
Martin Lewis
Senior Lecturer in International History, Emeritus, Stanford

Trace the development of the interconnected world system from the 13th century to the dawn of the industrial era in the 18th century. Using maps, historical artwork, and contemporary photographs, we’ll examine the evolution of empires, global environmental changes, religion spread, local resistance to globalization, and more.



The History of 2023
Thomas Mullaney
Professor of History, Stanford

How can we understand the events, ideas, and conflicts that have cycled through the news during the past year? Modeled after a popular lecture series offered to Stanford students, this course will gather Stanford faculty members to offer unique perspectives on international conflicts, climate change, economic shifts, and other major events of 2023. Stanford faculty members include: Amir Weiner, Associate Professor of History; Paula Findlen, Ubaldo Pierotti Professor of History; Gil-li Vardi, Lecturer in History; Jennifer Burns, Associate Professor of History; Jonathan Gienapp, Associate Professor of History; Mikael Wolfe, Associate Professor of History; Robert Crews, Professor of History.

The History of Feminism in the United States
Margo Horn
Former Lecturer, Department of History, Stanford

United States history has witnessed three feminist movements, and its fourth wave continues today. Explore the conditions that gave rise to each movement, changes in the composition of activists, their historical impact, and how insights from feminist theory influenced and defined these waves.



Beginning French: Part II
Heather Howard
Lecturer in French, Stanford

Building upon the foundation from “Beginning French: Part I,” this engaging course will immerse you in the rich world of French vocabulary and culture. Study the vocabulary of topics such as family life, housing, leisure activities, professions, and more through interactive activities, songs, and videos. Learn how to confidently navigate everyday conversations, handle transactions, and even deliver a short oral presentation in French.

On Campus
Beginning Italian: Part II
Giovanni Tempesta
Lecturer in Italian, Stanford

This second course in the three-course “Beginning Italian” sequence will help you expand and refine your language skills in speaking, reading, and listening. Through the acquisition of essential vocabulary and grammar useful in everyday life, you will be able to perform such daily tasks as ordering a meal, making travel plans, and shopping in an open-air market.

Beginning Spanish: Part I
María Cristina Urruela
Lecturer in Spanish, Stanford

It’s time to speak Spanish with confidence! This immersive course is your gateway to oral proficiency and comprehension, offering a vibrant exploration of the Spanish-speaking world and its rich cultures.

Beginning Spanish: Part II
María Cristina Urruela
Lecturer in Spanish, Stanford

Build your Spanish fluency and learn to confidently describe family, discuss activities, and understand news from the Spanish-speaking world. On this linguistic journey, you’ll enhance interpersonal communication through role-plays, discussions, and presentations.


Law & Policy

The US Constitution: Principles and Politics
William H. Simon
William W. and Gertrude H. Saunders Professor Emeritus of Law, Stanford; Arthur Levitt Professor Emeritus of Law, Columbia

Constitutional issues are at the heart of many political conflicts in the United States. Examine the fundamental ideas and techniques related to constitutional doctrine, including government structure, individual rights, the separation of powers, and debates over how the Constitution should be interpreted.

On Campus


Advertising and the Language of Persuasion
Will Leben
Professor of Linguistics, Emeritus, Stanford

What sets a compelling ad apart? How do its verbal and visual components collaborate to amplify its impact? Learn about the use of language in advertising from a linguist’s perspective. By examining how ads appeal to our rational and emotional sides, you will better understand what advertisers know about us, and in the process, you might also learn some new things about yourself.



Milton’s Paradise Lost: A Poem About Life
Nicholas Jenkins
Associate Professor of English, Stanford

Immerse yourself in one of the strangest and most eccentrically beautiful stories ever written, Milton’s Paradise Lost, a complex and captivating work that explores themes of rebellion, free will, and love. Discuss gender roles, destiny, and the poem’s imaginative power in this group learning experience.

On Campus
Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace
Natalya Sukhonos
Lecturer in Creative Writing, SUNY Albany

Experience the literary joyride of a lifetime with Tolstoy’s epic War and Peace, a historical novel that explores individual agency, social change, and the intimate life of Russia’s diverse characters during the Napoleonic wars. Delve into the enduring influence of Tolstoy’s literary contribution and its contemporary significance.

Shakespeare’s Greatest Comedies
Abigail Heald
Lecturer in Literature, UC Santa Cruz

Welcome to a world where lovers frolic, clowns jest, cross-dressed women confound, and egomaniacs run amok. Together, we will read four of Shakespeare’s greatest comedies: The Merry Wives of Windsor, a feminist portrait of married life; Much Ado About Nothing, a depiction of two of the greatest lovers in the literary canon; Measure for Measure, a dark comedy that critiques the laws that attempt to control love and desire; and Twelfth Night, arguably Shakespeare’s greatest contribution to the genre.


Music Studies

Enjoying and Understanding Classical Music
Nurit Jugend
Composer; Filmmaker

Enhance your appreciation of classical music by studying its fundamental elements, from melody and harmony to orchestration and rhythm. This course will guide you through the works of renowned composers like Bach, Haydn, Brahms, Berlioz, Tchaikovsky, and Stravinsky, providing you with the tools to listen more intelligently and deeply enjoy this timeless art form.

Psychedelia and Groove: The Music and Culture of the Grateful Dead
David Gans
Musician; Author; Radio Producer and Host

Discover the riveting history, groundbreaking music, and profound cultural influence of the Grateful Dead. Prepare to analyze their unique fusion of rock, folk, blues, and improvisation, examine their thought-provoking role in art and social change, and unravel the mysteries of the devoted “Deadhead” following.

The Beatles (“White Album”)
Joel Friedman
Composer; Music Scholar

Explore the making of The Beatles (also known as the “White Album”), an audacious double album that defied convention. Uncover the intricate stories behind its creation, from the band’s spiritual quest in India to the intense recording process. Explore the album’s artistic brilliance, hidden gems, and its impact within the backdrop of a changing musical and cultural landscape.


Music Studio

Play the Ukulele: Rock, Pop, and Folk
Greg Vaughan
Instructor, Gryphon Stringed Instruments

Unleash your inner musician and learn to play the ukulele. This introductory course will equip you with the essential skills to play this fun instrument, from mastering uke chords and strumming techniques to exploring basic fingerpicking and rhythm.

On Campus


Exploring Human Existence: Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time
Frederick Dolan
Professor of Rhetoric, Emeritus, UC Berkeley

This introductory course delves into Martin Heidegger’s profound philosophical work, Being and Time, offering a patient and detailed exploration of its complex themes like human existence, truth, language, and time, ultimately revealing Heidegger’s lasting impact on modern philosophical discourse.

Logic across Cultures: Comparing Eastern and Western Philosophical Traditions
Mona Rawal
Instructor and Chair, Department of Humanities, Foothill College

Explore the rich tapestry of Eastern and Western philosophies in this engaging course, guided by the thread of logic that unites them. From Nyaya to Aristotle, discover the diverse traditions, shared wisdom, and unique insights that shape human understanding across cultures.



How to Think Like a Shrink
Dona Tversky
Psychiatrist; Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford
Learn how to think like a psychotherapist and understand why we feel and behave the way we do. Gain insight into why psychotherapists focus on early life relationships and learning, why they privilege emotions, and why they see the seeming contradictions in our lives as places for deeper understanding. Leave the course with a newfound appreciation for the complexity of minds, a richer comprehension of the psychology behind everyday life, and a fresh perspective on personal relationships, group dynamics, and the tapestry of human experience.

On Campus
The Mind’s Tug-of-War: The Science of Pain and Pleasure
Marwa Azab
Adjunct Professor of Psychology, CSU Long Beach; Neuroscientist; Author
How does the brain process pleasure and pain? Join us on a captivating journey as we decode the intricate interplay between neural mechanisms, emotional experiences, and external influences to better understand the profound impact the science of pain and pleasure have on our overall well-being.

Manage Emotions Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Skills
Nina Paul
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Stanford School of Medicine
Discover the transformative power of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in understanding and managing emotions. This course explores the principles and theory behind CBT, equipping you with invaluable tools to navigate distressing emotions and break free from negative thought patterns.


Religious Studies

The History of Islam: Origins, Influence, and Expansion
Marwan Hanania

Explore the vibrant tapestry of Islamic history, delving into its profound influence, intricate theological dimensions, and much more. Investigate the impact of older faiths such as Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and various pre-Islamic traditions on the emergence of Islam. Plus, gain insights into the diversity of cultural practices and norms governing pivotal Muslim societies and states.

On Campus


Photographing Nature: Using a Camera to Study the Natural World
Robert Siegel
Professor (Teaching) of Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford School of Medicine; Affiliate, Woods Institute for the Environment and Master of Liberal Arts Program, Center for African Studies, Stanford
Take a journey through the realm of nature photography, where you’ll explore themes like ecological preservation and the artistry of capturing nature’s marvels. Deepen your connection with the natural world, ignite your powers of observation, and facilitate the communication of complex scientific ideas, all through the captivating language of visual and verbal storytelling.

On Campus
Introduction to Anatomy at the Stanford School of Medicine: Exploring the Abdomen and Reproductive System
Bruce Fogel
Adjunct Professor, Division of Clinical Anatomy, Department of Surgery, Stanford School of Medicine

Miguel Angeles
Lecturer, Division of Clinical Anatomy, Department of Surgery, Stanford School of Medicine

Explore cadaver specimens and digital technologies used by Stanford medical students and surgeons in the treatment and care of patients. Learn how to identify anatomical structures and common clinical conditions affecting the abdomen, with emphasis on the gallbladder, appendix, and reproductive system.

On Campus
Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
Victor Henderson
Professor of Epidemiology & Population Health and of Neurology & Neurological Sciences, Stanford; Honorary Skou Professor of Neurology, Aarhus University, Denmark

Unlock the mysteries of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in this course featuring faculty from the Stanford Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Gain a deep understanding of Alzheimer’s neurological underpinnings, familial factors, and distinctions from other forms of dementia, and learn about contemporary diagnostic methods, cutting-edge treatments, emerging therapies, and potential preventive measures.


Social Justice

Climate Justice in the US: Understanding Disparities and Building a Sustainable Future
Belinda Ramírez
COLLEGE Teaching Fellow in the Civic, Liberal, and Global Education Program, Stanford

As the impacts of climate change ripple unevenly across society, explore how marginalized communities bear a disproportionate burden. From Flint, Michigan’s water crisis to California’s wildfires, dive into real-world case studies, revealing not only the devastating effects but also the resilient activism emerging from the front lines of climate change. Empower yourself with knowledge and a passion for change as we explore innovative strategies and solutions, from urban agriculture to Indigenous activism.


Theater & Performance Studies

From Absurd to AI: Drama for the Age of Uncertainty
Branislav Jakovljević
Sara Hart Kimball Professor of the Humanities, Stanford

Explore the groundbreaking Theatre of the Absurd, a genre that emerged in the post-World War II era, capturing the profound changes in the human condition. Review works of influential playwrights like Beckett, Ionesco, Albee, and more, and discover how their unique dramatic strategies respond to the challenges of a rapidly changing world, making this genre more relevant than ever in our modern age of anxiety and uncertainty.

The Art of Spontaneity: An Introduction to Improvising
Daniel Klein
Advanced Lecturer, Stanford Department of Theater & Performance Studies, Graduate School of Business, and Stanford

Welcome to the world of improvisational theater! Learn essential improvisation skills that not only enhance your performance abilities on stage but also empower you to excel in various aspects of life, from critical decision-making in high-pressure situations to fostering creativity in professional settings. This course draws from influential figures in improvisation and offers a fun and energetic introduction to the core principles, helping students unlock their creative potential, improve communication, embrace uncertainty, and sharpen problem-solving skills.

On Campus
Art Studio

Art Studio

Reignite your capacity for creativity in an art studio course. From drawing and photography to creating your own podcast or video, our courses will help you develop your skills and find inspiration that will truly elevate your creative expression.

Audio, Video & Film

Create and Edit Great Videos: From Script to Final Cut
Digant Kasundra
Founder, Dead Set Films

Master the art and science of video production in this course designed for novices. From scriptwriting and shooting techniques to editing with industry-standard software, you’ll learn how to create impactful videos and gain valuable insights into the world of filmmaking.


Drawing, Painting & Mixed Media

Drawing Inspiration: Develop a Creative Practice
Trevor Tubelle

Rediscover your innate creativity and overcome self-criticism through daily drawing prompts. Emphasizing the creative process rather than technical skills, this course will help you cultivate enthusiasm, curiosity, and fearlessness, and gain the tools to maintain your own drawing practice.

Drawing the Realistic Portrait
John Peck
Instructor, Triton Museum of Art

Whether you’re a beginner or experienced artist, this course will equip you with the techniques to create realistic portraits and serve as a valuable foundation for future painting endeavors. Using a small mirror, we will distinguish between our imagination and what our eyes actually see. This approach will lead to an entirely objective way of seeing and drawing—a method called sight-size. From the Renaissance to modern studios, this method of comparing lines to the actual subject has allowed anyone to draw a more realistic image.

On Campus
Sketchbook Strategies: Incorporate Freehand Drawing into Your Daily Life
Jane Kriss

Unlock the power of your sketchbook as a personal record of life and creativity. Using a flexible “choose your own adventure” approach, you’ll explore various drawing strategies, techniques, and perspectives, ultimately completing a unique sketchbook that reflects your creative journey and enhances your life.

Art and Anatomy: The Basics of Human Proportions
Lauren Toomer
Lecturer, Department of Art & Art History and Division of Clinical Anatomy, Stanford

Based on the Art and Anatomy courses for Stanford medical students, this course is a unique opportunity to explore the human body with the eye of an artist. Through hands-on drawing and step-by-step guidance, you’ll develop both your artistic skills and anatomical knowledge, leaving you with the ability to depict the human skeleton with creativity and accuracy.

On Campus
Georgia O’Keeffe: Lessons in Art and Life
Anna Koster
Artist; Instructor, Ghost Ranch Education Center

Explore the artistic principles that influenced Georgia O’Keeffe and tap into your own creative potential. Through illustrated lectures and guided studio exercises, you’ll explore compositional elements and color theory, gaining both a deeper appreciation for O’Keeffe’s art and the skills to create your own beautiful works of art.

Painting: Exploring the Modern and Abstract
Katie Hawkinson
Artist; Instructor, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley

Unlock the world of abstract art by exploring how it draws inspiration from the observed world while transforming elements like color, shape, and composition to convey emotions and truths. Reflect on the techniques of renowned artists like Cézanne, Matisse, and Kandinsky, and develop your own modern aesthetic using water-based media in this enriching course.

Oil Painting: Developing Your Artistic Practice
Brett Amory
Lecturer in Art Practice, Stanford

Elevate your oil painting skills, nurture your creative voice, and learn the art of promoting your work in the professional arena through this comprehensive course. By exploring various idea generation tools and techniques, you’ll build a solid foundation for your portfolio and develop the ability to articulate your artistic concepts, empowering you to succeed in the art world.

Recycle, Repair, Reimagine: Making Sculpture with Found Objects
Gabriella Grill

Craft sculptures with everyday objects, utilizing unconventional methods to breathe life into these materials and shape them into evocative artworks. Explore the many facets of found objects—color, form, function, metaphor—in this project-based course with activities to jumpstart creative thinking and play.

Calligraphy and Letterform: History, Methods, and Practice
Ann Miller

Develop a deep understanding of the art of calligraphy as you master formal scripts and explore the expressive nature of letterforms. From the fundamentals of stroke techniques and page layout to contemporary freehand writing, you’ll build confidence in your ability to write diverse scripts.



The Daily Photograph: Developing Your Creative Intuition
Joel Simon
Documentary and Fine Art Photographer

John Lambert

Access to imagery has never been easier than in our digital age. Our phones and cameras are capable of producing hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of photos, but to what end and to what beginning? This course is designed for photography enthusiasts who want to build a creative practice of making photos every day.

Introduction to iPhoneography: Using Your Smartphone to Make Extraordinary Images
Yoni Mayeri
Photographer; iPhoneographer

Learn to turn your everyday iPhone photos into stunning pictures. Explore the built-in Photos app for editing and enhancing images, optimize the features of the native camera, and discover third-party editing applications and accessories to elevate your images.

On Campus
Beginning Digital Photography
Don Feria

Is the card inside your digital camera packed with photos, but you don’t know what to do with them? Geared toward photography beginners, this course will introduce students to basic photography and computer workflow techniques. Learn to capture images in manual exposure mode, explore composition and color, and develop essential skills to manage and enhance your digital photo collection.

On Campus
Serial Photography: Building a Photo Project
Oleg Savunov
Photographer; Visual Artist

Digital technology unlocks our ability to take and share infinite photos that are powerful communication tools, especially when carefully curated. In this course, we will uncover the art of series photography and storytelling, and you’ll develop individual photo projects connected by common themes, ideas, or locations. From conceptualization to execution, explore the power of visual narratives while gaining historical and contemporary insights into this dynamic photographic genre.

Food & Drink

Food & Drink

Indulge your taste buds in a culinary journey through our Food & Drink courses. From wine and coffee to chocolate and cheese, our courses are designed to broaden your knowledge and feed your curiosity.

Food & Drink Courses

Chocolate: From Commodity Crop to Ephemeral Luxury
Carla Martin
Lecturer, Harvard; Executive Director, Fine Cacao and Chocolate Institute

José López Ganem
Instructor, Boston University; Director of Innovation, Fine Cacao and Chocolate Institute

From bean to bar, discover the world of chocolate and explore its historical, cultural, and scientific dimensions. Gain insights into the journey of cacao and chocolate, from tropical agronomy to international trade, while savoring guided tastings to develop a deeper appreciation for this beloved treat.

Wellness & Health

Wellness & Health

Prioritize your health and wellness with courses designed to help you build healthy habits and support your mental and emotional well-being. Explore courses taught by psychologists, physicians, health advisors, and other experts in their field.

Emotional & Mental Health

The Science and Practice of Joyful Living
Kelly McGonigal
Lecturer, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Joy is the human capacity to feel uplifted by something that is, at its essence, “good.” Explore the physiological, mental, and social benefits of joy and learn practical strategies rooted in psychology and neuroscience to help you harness and choose joy as a deliberate and empowering force in your life. Discover the transformative impact of cultivating joy as a daily choice and unlock the potential for greater fulfillment and happiness.

The Practical Power of Emotional Intelligence
Campbell Frank
Facilitator, Interpersonal Dynamics, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Uncover the transformative potential of emotional intelligence (EQ) as we blend ancient wisdom with modern science and practical techniques. Journey through philosophy, mindfulness, and experiential practices to develop a deeper awareness of emotions and enhance your decision-making, relationships, and overall well-being.

On Campus

Life Design

Everyday Spontaneity: Improvising Our Lives
Patricia Madson
Senior Lecturer, Emerita, Department of Theater & Performance Studies, Stanford

Navigate change with confidence and creativity through the art of improvisation. Learn to trust your instincts, adapt to new situations, and become a better communicator, problem solver, and collaborator in both personal and professional realms.

On Campus
Your Next Life Chapter: A Design Thinking and Behavioral Science–Based Approach
Raj Bhargava
Educator; Entrepreneur

Are you considering how to improve key aspects of your life—whether in work, health, love, or more? Based on a course the instructor teaches to Stanford students, this course will help you identify the areas that matter most to you and develop a plan for change. Learn to establish clear and measurable goals, identify assets you will draw on, and prepare for barriers you may encounter along the way.

Motherhood and Work: Challenges and Opportunities for Positive Change
Kristi Rible
Founder, The Huuman Group

Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to champion positive change for working mothers and caregivers in all aspects of life. Delve into the complexities of balancing career and caregiving, challenge stereotypes and biases, and explore actionable strategies for creating a more equitable and sustainable future for mothers at home and in the workplace.



New Year, New Metabolism
Clyde Wilson
Research Associate, Biochemistry, UC San Francisco

Get ready to kickstart a healthier you in the New Year! Explore the intricate relationship between nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress on your metabolism. Develop a personalized plan to boost your metabolism and achieve your health and fitness goals.

On Campus
Plant-Based Living: A Practical and Evidence-Based Approach
Rosane Oliveira
President & CEO, Plant-Based Life Foundation; Visiting Clinical Faculty, UC Davis School of Medicine

Plant-based nutrition is one of the most powerful ways to improve your health, lose (or maintain) weight, and contribute to a more sustainable world. Learn the fads, facts, and fiction surrounding different plant-centered diets, including Mediterranean, Blue Zones, vegetarian, vegan, and whole-food plant-based. Discover what foods to eat and what foods to avoid to promote health, vitality, and longevity.


Physical Health & Well-Being

Brain Health: Understand and Fine-Tune Your Memory and Mind
Paul Li
Lecturer in Cognitive Science, UC Berkeley

Discover the key to maintaining a sharp mind and enhancing your memory with our engaging course on cognitive science and brain health. Explore the inner workings of your brain, learn from cutting-edge research, and gain practical insights to boost your mental well-being.

Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Whether you’re just beginning to write or putting the finishing touches on your first novel, our writing courses offer expert instruction from accomplished authors, individual attention, and supportive feedback. Choose from courses in creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, memoir, magazine writing, travel writing, the short story, and more.

Creative Nonfiction & Memoir

Writing through Struggle
Caroline Goodwin
Former Stegner Fellow, Stanford

Discover the therapeutic power of creative writing as you embark on a journey to find meaning, healing, and connection through words. This course offers daily prompts, diverse literary samples, and a supportive community to help you explore your personal truths in creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry, empowering you to develop a strong writing practice and a sense of purpose in today’s complex world.

Nonfiction Workshop: Bravery and the Blank Page
Rose Whitmore
Author; Former Jones Lecturer and Former Stegner Fellow, Stanford

Explore techniques to navigate challenging narratives, portray real-life characters compassionately, and confront difficult truths through your writing, guided by acclaimed works from authors like Jerald Walker, Eula Biss, and Cheryl Strayed, while honing your craft through weekly prompts and constructive workshops.

Personal Essay Writing: How to Craft Stories That Sell
Amy Ettinger
Author; Journalist; Essayist

Craft compelling narratives that resonate with readers and have the potential to go viral and even secure book deals. Dive into recent viral essay examples, explore delicate topics, and gain insights into the world of publishing. Exit the course with a solid strategy for placing personal essay ideas in the country’s top markets.

Nonfiction Workshop: The Personal Presence in Memoirs, Essays, and Articles
Lynn Stegner

Discover your unique nonfiction voice and learn the essential elements of meaningful storytelling. Through practical lessons, readings by acclaimed authors, and peer critiques, students will refine their narratives, from subject selection and early drafts to final edits, ultimately gaining the skills to shape and illuminate their life stories.

Memoir Workshop: Excavating Memory toward Revelation
Amanda Montei
Author; Writing Instructor; Lecturer, Cal State East Bay

Approach memoir writing as a process of excavating memories in search of deeper truths and revelations. Learn from a variety of published authors such as Virginia Woolf, Roxane Gay, and Charles Simic, and gain the skills to make intentional and meaningful choices about how to structure your narrative, considering aspects such as time, memory, point of view, style, and research.

Memoir Workshop: How to Keep Your Story Going
Monica Wesolowska
Author; Editor

Reignite your memoir writing, even if you’ve hit a roadblock. Discover strategies to break through emotional barriers, explore essential craft elements, and draw inspiration from successful memoirists, propelling you forward with renewed vigor in telling your story.



Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writing Workshop: Speculative World-Building
Lauren Kate

Within the realms of science fiction and fantasy, writers must skillfully balance the real world we’re seeking to escape with the imaginative world we’re drawn into. Learn how to achieve this equilibrium through inventive techniques in character development, plot construction, point of view, pacing, tone, and the infusion of unexpected elements.

Adventures in Travel Writing
Michael Agresta
Faculty, MFA Program, Western Connecticut State

Unlock the art of travel writing in this supportive and inclusive writing course as you explore various approaches, from short-form reports to personal essays and trend pieces. Drawing inspiration from renowned authors like Rachel Monroe and Zadie Smith, this course will guide you in crafting compelling travel narratives and guides, providing opportunities to publish your work in diverse magazines and journals.

In the Writer’s Room: Start Your TV Pilot Script
Adam Tobin
Senior Lecturer, Film and Media Studies, Stanford

From Abbott Elementary to Succession and The Bear, some of the most compelling storytelling done today is on television. Dive into the dynamic world of television storytelling in this intensive two-day course. Explore the intricacies of TV series, from genre and format to character development and pitching. Gain insights into the evolving landscape of television production and the art of crafting compelling narratives for the screen.


Narrative Craft

Scene by Scene: The Building Blocks of Narrative
Deborah Johnson
Do you have an idea for a novel or a work of creative nonfiction but feel overwhelmed by not knowing how to write your story? This course, which is appropriate for writers of all levels, will demystify the art of storytelling by teaching you how to write scenes—the basic building blocks of all stories, whether real or imagined.

Writing Character-Driven Fiction
Evgeniya Dame
Former Stegner Fellow, Stanford
While plot may be the engine of prose, character is its beating heart. Character-driven fiction puts people first, asking us to get to know them in all of their idiosyncrasies, and lets their behavior and attitudes shape the plot. In this course filled with intensive writing activities, we’ll delve into the techniques writers employ to craft robust, unforgettable characters and weave narratives around them, covering everything from observational exercises and research to initial prompts, scene development, and story discovery.

Sentence by Sentence: Creating Your Style
Thomas McNeely
Former Jones Lecturer and Former Stegner Fellow, Stanford
What captures the interest of readers and editors alike in both fictional and nonfiction narratives? It’s style. Cultivate your own distinctive prose style and discover the art of immersing readers deeply into your narrative. Explore the sounds of language, employ rhetorical devices, experiment with various narrative techniques, and use different genres. Absorb stylistic techniques from literary masters such as James Joyce, Flannery O’Connor, and Gertrude Stein.

From Synopsis to Success: Foolproof Story Development
Jeff Lyons
Writer; Producer
Build a strong storytelling toolbox by learning the art of crafting compelling premises and transforming them into actionable story synopses. Benefit from valuable peer feedback and personalized guidance from the instructor, and you’ll finish the course with a clear roadmap for your next steps in story development.



Novel Writing: From Concept to Creation
Anoop Judge

Want to write a novel? This workshop will guide aspiring writers through the process of crafting a novel from scratch, breaking down the seemingly complex task into manageable narrative elements. Gain insights into transitioning from inspiration to a well-developed, practical concept, and discover the elements for crafting captivating initial chapters and overcoming common challenges encountered during the first draft, such as lackluster characters, predictable plots, low stakes, and uninspired scenes.

On Campus
Novel Workshop for Manuscripts in Progress: Going the Distance
Stephanie Reents
Former Stegner Fellow, Stanford

Whether you are stuck at chapter two, lost in the middle, or could use accountability and guidance, this course is designed to help you on your journey by providing the inspiration and structure needed to draft the next pages of your manuscript. Generative exercises, weekly deadlines, and feedback focusing on possibilities and patterns—rather than problems—will inspire you to keep moving forward.



Poetry Workshop: Crafting Poems of Beauty and Power
Shann Ray
Poet; Systems Psychologist; Professor of Leadership Studies, Gonzaga University

Develop your poetic voice by drawing inspiration from the world around you, just as Emily Dickinson did with her vivid imagery. Explore the art of poetry, from triggering ideas to crafting the perfect ending, and find your unique poetic expression while studying the works of renowned poets like Joy Harjo, Natalie Diaz, and Layli Long Soldier.

Poetry Workshop: Write without Fear
Jackson Holbert
Jones Lecturer and Former Stegner Fellow, Stanford

Amid the challenges and triumphs of life, poetry offers a unique lens through which to examine our experiences and emotions. Join us on a poetic journey as we explore the craft and artistry of poets like Lucille Clifton, Ada Limón, and Mary Oliver, and channel your own feelings into powerful verses that resonate with hope and warmth.


Prompt-Driven Writing

Ignite Your Creative Writing: Capture the “Aha” Moments on the Page
Niloufar Talebi
Transform your “aha moments” into captivating narratives across various writing genres. With dynamic exercises inspired by diverse art forms, collaborative live sessions, and a supportive community, this course empowers both novices and seasoned writers to unleash their creativity and develop consistent, inspired writing practices.

Crafting Innovative Fiction within Creative Constraints
Bee Sacks
Establishing innovative boundaries—a chapter unfolding entirely in an elevator, a paragraph that spans a full century, a short story told in question statements—can enhance a writer’s imagination and focus. While creative restraints are common in poetry, they are often ignored in prose. No longer! Through readings and writing exercises inspired by diverse sources, students will receive daily prompts and weekly feedback to invigorate their writing practice and acquire new tools for overcoming creative blocks.


Short Story

Short Fiction Workshop: The Short Story for Absolute Beginners
Daniel Orozco
Associate Professor, Emeritus, Creative Writing Program, University of Idaho; Former Stegner Fellow and Former Jones Lecturer, Stanford

The short story attains its dramatic heft mainly by being short, and the best stories derive their emotive power over the reader via elision, compression, and concision—the three essential methodologies for all practitioners of the form. In this introductory course, you’ll conceive, build, and develop a story. We’ll talk about first sentences, first paragraphs, world-building, foreshadowing, conflict, crisis, tension, and closure—all in a supportive and respectful environment.

Short Fiction Workshop: Awakening the Imagination
Valerie Miner
Author; Former Artist in Residence, Stanford; Professor of English, Emerita, University of Minnesota

Awaken your imagination and craft evocative short stories that resonate with readers. Explore the art of storytelling from poetic language to character development and plot, draw inspiration from accomplished authors, and refine your unique voice as a writer through supportive workshops and thoughtful feedback.

Short Fiction Workshop: From Blueprint to Story
Angela Pneuman
Former Stegner Fellow, Stanford; MFA Instructor, Sarah Lawrence College; Executive Director, Napa Valley Writers’ Conference

Learn how to construct short stories with a focus on narrative structure, taking cues from contemporary literary masters and exploring both traditional and nontraditional storytelling frameworks. Students will analyze and apply these techniques, culminating in the development of a complete story draft and a comprehensive understanding of narrative structure for future writing endeavors.



Our business courses will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in building your career, launching a startup, or growing a business. Taught by industry leaders from Silicon Valley and beyond, our courses cover product management, marketing, finance, leadership, and more.

Computer Science

Data Science Essentials for Business Managers
Peter Lou
Vice President of Advanced Analytics, Wells Fargo

This course is a must for business managers and small-business owners seeking to harness the power of data for success. Gain essential data science skills, from demand forecasting to data analysis, and learn how to communicate insights effectively through data visualization using tools like Python and SQL.

On Campus

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Startup Escape Velocity: From Early Idea to Mainstream Success
Bret Waters
Silicon Valley Investor; Entrepreneur

Dive into the narratives of successful startups like Zoom, Venmo, and Zapier, revealing the strategies that propelled them from niche markets to the mainstream. With exclusive insights from founders and venture capitalists, this course provides a firsthand look at the key elements that drive entrepreneurial victories.

On Campus
Funding a New Enterprise: Learn from Experienced Silicon Valley Practitioners
James Terranova
Managing Director, Emeritus, WS Investment Company and Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati; Chairman and President, Ohio State Early Investor Network

Take your innovative ideas from concept to investment with this comprehensive course on venture capital and angel financing. Gain insights from both the startup and investor’s perspective, receive an overview of the public equity marketplace and venture financing industry—including angel investors, incubators, and accelerators—and hear from expert guest speakers who will guide you through the complexities of funding your entrepreneurial journey.

On Campus
Introduction to Mergers and Acquisitions
Neil Shroff
Managing Director, Shoreline Partners

Acquire an in-depth understanding of mergers and acquisitions principles, strategies, valuation techniques, and deal execution processes, enabling you to navigate the complex world of middle-market transactions with confidence. Learn to determine the strategic rationale for considering a merger or an acquisition; negotiate deal structures while taking into account tax, valuation, legal, and business terms; and understand how to avoid common pitfalls encountered during due diligence and purchase agreement drafting.

Governance for Startup Board Members
Matthias Weber
Partner, Mighty Capital

Discover the essential roles and responsibilities of startup board members, gain insights into effective governance dynamics, and learn how to navigate critical moments in a company’s lifecycle. From fundraising to IPO, this comprehensive course is designed for both aspiring and experienced board members of fast-growing startups.

Breaking into the Venture Industry
Lu Zhang
Founder and Managing Partner, Fusion Fund

Silicon Valley investor and Stanford alum Lu Zhang created this course to decode the mysteries of the venture industry. Receive an overview of the industry’s fundamental components and learn a comprehensive framework for evaluating risk, including market and timing, founder, and competitive risks. Emerge with the knowledge and skills to confidently navigate the competitive world of venture investments.

Building, Scaling, and Managing Digital Marketplaces
Rob Mihalko
Founder and Principal, Spectus Strategy

Increase your understanding of the basic concepts of digital marketplaces, including marketplace strategy and design, launch strategies, monetization, growth levers, operational requirements, policies and governance, stakeholder management, and ethical considerations. Discover the strategies behind the remarkable success achieved by Amazon, DoorDash, and Uber.


Environment & Sustainability

The Post-Carbon Economy: Career Transitions and Opportunities
John Kelley
Co-Founder & COO, OnRisk

Contribute to a more sustainable world while advancing your professional life. As the world shifts toward clean energy, this course empowers you to understand the economics of climate change, identify pathways for progress, and explore opportunities in sectors like electrical efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable transportation.


Finance & Investing

Personal Finance: A Simple Approach to Mastering Money Choices
Kenneth Marshall
Chairman, Judicial Capital and Judicial Corporation

Take control of your financial future with this practical course designed for finance enthusiasts. Cut through the complexities and jargon often associated with personal finance and gain a solid understanding of fundamental concepts and strategies.

Introduction to Value Investing
Kenneth Marshall
Chairman, Judicial Capital and Judicial Corporation

Gain the insights and expertise needed to navigate the world of value investing and achieve success in the financial markets. This course, tailored for finance professionals, offers an in-depth exploration of the strategies employed by renowned investors such as Warren Buffett.

Taxes: Building and Maintaining Wealth
Christopher Canellos
Senior Advisor, Stanford Financial Management Services

From real estate investments to retirement planning and estate management, gain insights into creating sophisticated tax-saving techniques to optimize your wealth-building efforts. Stay up to date with the latest legislation and equip yourself with the tools to estimate your tax liabilities while integrating the new tax laws into your financial strategy.

On Campus

Leadership & Management

What’s Next? Strategies for Identifying Your Ideal Career Path
Joslyn Johnson
Career Educator; Certified Mediator; Executive and Life Coach

Designed for working professionals just starting out, transitioning, or seeking to maximize their impact, this course will help you create a more meaningful and fulfilling career. Discover your unique value, purpose, and path to success, and gain practical insights to align your professional journey with your personal identity.

The Power of the Enneagram: Understanding Yourself and Leading Others
Suzanne Taylor
Certified Leadership Coach; Enneagram Trainer

Explore the Enneagram, an age-old system of personality types that can be used to facilitate personal growth, enhance communication, resolve conflicts, bolster teams, refine leadership skills, and elevate emotional intelligence. Embrace the Enneagram’s power to optimize collaboration and personal development, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

Intentional Power: Six Essential Leadership Skills
JeanAnn Nichols
Executive Mentor and Leadership Coach; Former Vice President, Intel

Lisen Stromberg
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, PrismWork

Prepare to lead with impact in today’s dynamic business world. Explore the evolving landscape of leadership, focusing on key facets of modern leadership such as humility, empathy, accountability, resiliency, transparency, and inclusivity. Develop your personalized modern leader action plan through engaging lectures, discussions, practical exercises, and insights from industry leaders.

Women Leaders: Mastering Organizational Strategy
Denise Rabius
CEO, Rabius Consulting; Executive Coach, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Gain a strategic advantage in the corporate world by unlocking the power of your unique leadership style. Refine your signature leadership style, strengthen your presence, and develop tools for coaching effectively and navigating complex conversations. Learn to overcome gender biases with insights from academic research and practical exercises, elevating your leadership competencies to make a significant impact on organizational strategy and execution.

On Campus
Navigate the Workplace: Managing Up, Down, and Across
Nita Kaushal
Founder, Miss CEO; Lecturer, Stanford School of Engineering

Learn how to cultivate powerful connections with superiors, colleagues, and direct reports in today’s fast-paced work environment. Master crucial communication and leadership techniques, enabling you to establish credibility, nurture trust, and secure support across your organization.

The Mindful Manager: Mastering Feedback and Goal Setting for Teams
Tiffany Teng
Former Vice President, Head of Sales Ops and Enablement, OakNorth

Create an innovative coaching and feedback system optimized for swift action, agility, and effective team growth in today’s dynamic business landscape. Build alignment with your team’s goals, fostering cooperation and efficiency while enhancing your leadership abilities.

Designing Change: Learn to Lead Transitions in Any Organization
Christopher Ireland
Adjunct Professor, Design, California College of the Arts; Co-Founder, Cheskin

Maria Giudice
Executive Leadership Coach; Founder, Hot Studio

Leave a lasting impact on your organization by gaining the skills and confidence you need to navigate and design change collaboratively. Learn from seasoned design professionals who will share decades of real-world experience and practical insights on how to drive impactful change with less disruption and resistance.

On Campus
Seeing the Future in the Present: Learning to Think Three Steps Ahead
Christopher Ireland
Adjunct Professor, Design, California College of the Arts; Co-Founder, Cheskin

Lee Shupp
Futurist, Innovation Leader, and Design Researcher; Founding Member of the Association of Professional Futurists

This course delves into the practice of futures thinking, its applications in organizations, and its relevance in the face of disruptive innovations like blockchain and AI. By comprehending the dynamics of change, challenging our assumptions about the world, and enhancing our capacity for critical foresight, you’ll gain the ability to identify emerging opportunities or competitive threats before they affect businesses.

Negotiation Mastery: Achieve Outstanding Results and Relationships
Heather Meeker Green
Co-Founder and Senior Consultant, Accordence

Mastering negotiation is essential for success, whether you’re dealing with colleagues, clients, friends, or family. Discover the core principles that underlie successful negotiations, including trust-building, clear communication, and the delicate balance between collaboration and assertiveness.

Making High-Quality Decisions: A Practical Guide to Decision Analysis
Richard Kim
Co-Founder and Senior Systems Engineer, Aerospace Technical Services

Make sound decisions with the transformative field of decision analysis, used by industry leaders like Chevron and Pfizer to make informed decisions with lasting impact. Through mathematical and conceptual tools such as influence diagrams, decision trees, value measures, statistical inference, and sensitivity analysis, learn to navigate decision-making challenges, avoid common pitfalls, and enhance your ability to make consequential choices.

The Emotionally Intelligent Leader
Laura Delizonna
Speaker; Author; Executive Coach

Elevate your leadership and personal well-being through the power of emotional intelligence. Learn science-based frameworks and practical strategies to enhance your emotional intelligence competencies, including self-awareness, self-management, and relational intelligence. Discover how to navigate complexity, foster effective teamwork, and cultivate whole-life success without compromising ambition.



End-to-End Digital Marketing: Social, SEO, and Content Marketing
Jason McDonald
Director, JM Internet Group

Gain a thorough grasp of the contemporary digital marketing landscape and the proven strategies that engage consumers during pivotal decision-making moments. Enhance your expertise in key topics such as social media, search engine optimization, content marketing, and online advertising.


Product Management

Fundamentals of Product Management
Kunal Punjabi
Product Management and Product Strategy Leader
Master the entire product management lifecycle, from idea generation and market research to effective product design and collaborative Agile methodologies. By learning the tools to create successful products and avoid common pitfalls, you’ll build the confidence and skills you need to excel in this highly influential field.


Project Management

Fundamentals of Agile Project Management
Tim Bombosch
Senior Program Manager, North America, Technical University of Munich (TUM)

Tap into the potential of agile project management, the sought-after skill that drives value, innovation, and customer satisfaction in modern organizations. Learn about Agile’s history, principles, and popular frameworks like Kanban and Scrum, and discover how to adopt and scale Agile practices in the enterprise.

Create Customers for Life: How to Understand, Measure, and Drive Loyalty
Liz Berman
Marketing and Strategy Consultant; Founder and Principal, LKB Consulting

Discover the essential strategies and tactics for fostering customer loyalty and long-lasting relationships. Grounded in loyalty economics and the science of retention, this course explores key concepts, innovative techniques, and real-world insights from industry leaders. Whether you’re a marketer, product manager, or general manager, unlock the resources to cultivate lifelong customers.



Hone your communications skills and learn how to convey a clear, compelling, and consistent message. Our courses in public speaking, interpersonal communications, and more will help you succeed in business and personal settings.

Communication Courses

Public Speaking: Romancing the Room
James Wagstaffe
Instructor, Oral Communication Program, Stanford Summer Session

Bruce Bean
Founder and Owner, The Trafton Group Commercial Real Estate

Gain a hands-on, pragmatic approach to developing essential public speaking skills. From making memorable first impressions to captivating your audience, you’ll learn how to transform a “no” into a “yes.” Learn various speaking styles, from impromptu talks to compelling storytelling, and explore traditional speech genres like informative, persuasive, and entertaining presentations.

On Campus
The Science of Being Memorable and Influencing Decisions
Carmen Simon
Cognitive Neuroscientist

Influence your audience’s decisions by harnessing the power of memory. Discover the neuroscience behind lasting impressions and learn practical techniques to make your content memorable and actionable, whether it’s a sales pitch, marketing message, or technical data.

On Campus
Become an Empowered and Confident Communicator
Amy Eliza Wong
Conversational Intelligence Certified Coach; Founder, Always On Purpose

Ready to transform your communication skills and boost your confidence? While effective communication may come naturally to some, it can be a journey of self-discovery and growth for others. This course invites students to become empowered and confident communicators by unraveling the threads of cultural influence, exploring the psychology of interaction dynamics, and fostering a constructive and supportive community of growth.

On Campus
Improvisationally Speaking
Matt Abrahams
Lecturer, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Adam Tobin
Senior Lecturer, Film and Media Studies, Stanford

Elevate your impromptu speaking skills and conquer public speaking anxieties in this hands-on course. Drawing on scholarly research, you’ll master the art of extemporaneous communication and build confidence and clarity for various professional and life situations, from formal presentations to spontaneous interactions like job interviews and Q&A sessions.

Think on Your Feet: An Improviser’s Guide to Business and Communication
Debra Schifrin
Lecturer, Stanford Graduate School of Business; Founder, Debra Schifrin Consulting

Daniel Schifrin
Founder, StoryForward

Join our dynamic, interactive communication course centered on improvisation and master the art of handling the unexpected with composure, inclusivity, and humor. Elevate your agility, boost your confidence in unpredictable scenarios, and acquire vital new skills and perspectives for success.

On Campus
Nonverbal Communication: The Power of Body Language and Voice
Jeff Cabili
Founder and Principal, How2Captivate

Discover the keys to effective nonverbal communication and master the “how to say it” aspect rather than solely focusing on “what to say.” Explore the nuances of expression, including gestures, body language, vocal techniques, eye contact, and the strategic use of silence. Gain insights into leveraging nonverbal communication as a powerful tool for influencing others, even in challenging situations.

On Campus
Building Interpersonal Skills: An Experiential Workshop
Susan Neville
Facilitator, Interpersonal Dynamics and LEAD Program, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Campbell Frank
Facilitator, Interpersonal Dynamics, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and relationship building with this unique course inspired by the renowned “Interpersonal Dynamics” program at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Through immersive T-group experiences, small group collaborations, and engaging class exercises, you will develop a profound understanding of yourself and others.

On Campus
Mindful Communication: The Power of Relational Practice for Awareness and Compassion
Ted DesMaisons
Founder and Principal, ANIMA Learning

Explore the synergy between mindful awareness and effective communication, harnessing them as complementary tools for personal growth and connection. Learn how to cultivate meaningful connections, enhance your listening skills, and navigate the intricacies of human interaction while deepening your mindfulness practice.

On Campus
Dealing with Conflict: Communication Skills to Manage and Resolve Tension
Marianne Neuwirth
Communication Teacher, Consultant, and Coach

Develop your conflict resolution and communication skills, enabling you to effectively navigate challenging situations with difficult colleagues, employees, or family members. This course equips you with a comprehensive toolkit to transform conflicts, leading to reduced stress, improved job satisfaction, and stronger relationships.

On Campus
Accent Reduction for Non-Native English Speakers
Neil Jacobs
Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Emeritus, Ohio State

Take your English proficiency to the next level with this comprehensive accent reduction course. Through a combination of theory, practical exercises, and personalized feedback, you will gain a deep understanding of English speech sounds, tackle pronunciation challenges, master word stress and intonation, and navigate the nuances of formal and casual speech.

On Campus
Technology & Data Science

Technology & Data Science

Embark on a journey through artificial intelligence, master a new coding language, or delve into the world of data science. We offer courses designed for all skill levels, from novices to seasoned programmers.

AI & Machine Learning

A Crash Course in AI
Ronjon Nag
Adjunct Professor in Genetics, Stanford School of Medicine; Visiting Fellow, Stanford Center for the Study of Language and Information; President, R42 Group

Artem A. Trotsyuk Ethics Fellow, Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, Stanford School of Medicine

Whether you’re a product manager seeking to collaborate with data scientists, a software engineer craving AI exposure, or simply curious about the world of AI, this crash course is your gateway to unlocking the potential and unraveling the complexities of AI. Topics covered include neural networks, generative AI, large language models, and the societal and ethical aspects of AI applications.

On Campus
Statistics for AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science
Gregory Ryslik
Chief Technology Officer, Compass Pathways

Patrick Staples
Biostatistician; Data Scientist

Gain a high-level overview of some of the most common concepts in statistics that make AI and ML possible: inference and prediction. Designed for those in technology or technology-adjacent roles, this course will equip you with an understanding of common tools used in AI and ML algorithms and enable you to derive your own conclusions from statistical studies.

Introduction to Applied AI
Mohammad Shokoohi-Yekta
Lead Applied Scientist, Microsoft

AI may appear daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Dive into the world of applied AI with a practical introduction that demystifies intricate ideas using relatable examples such as marketing strategies, disease detection, and weather prediction. By the end, you’ll have a solid grasp of machine learning, data analysis, and R programming, equipping you to effectively apply AI methods to real-world challenges.

Demystifying Machine Learning and AI Algorithms
Gaurav Khanna
Senior Manager, Data Science and Digital Journeys, Cisco Systems

Discover the underlying mechanics of AI systems without delving deep into mathematical intricacies with this beginner-friendly course. Explore fundamental algorithms, from regression to deep learning, and understand their real-world applications in fields like medicine, education, and finance. Gain the knowledge needed to collaborate effectively with AI practitioners, navigate the evolving AI landscape, and make informed career decisions in this rapidly advancing field.



Beginning Programming in Python
Eli Lev
Technology Manager, Stanford Continuing Studies

Designed for those with no experience in computer science, this introductory course will explore the world of programming by teaching the fundamental syntax and meaning of the Python programming language.

Data Analysis with Python
Matt Harrison
Principal Consultant and Corporate Trainer, MetaSnake

Learn how to extract insights and value from large data sets using Python to acquire, clean, visualize, and draw conclusions from the data. Using popular tools such as Jupyter Notebook, pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Scikit-Learn, you’ll explore categorical and numerical data, uncover relationships, and create graphical and numerical summaries.

Large Language Models: From Introduction to Implementation
Charlie Flanagan
Head of Data Science, Balyasny Asset Management

Develop the practical skills required for creating large language model applications for text generation, translation, sentiment analysis, and more. Learn the differences between various model architectures and how to select which architecture is best suited for a particular use case, techniques for efficient training and fine-tuning of models, and how to select and interpret metrics for model performance predictions. Obtain hands-on experience in Python, LangChain, OpenAI, and Hugging Face.

Introduction to Data Visualization with Python
Anja Lee
Data Professional; Executive Coach

In today’s digital age, conveying data effectively is crucial. This beginner course introduces students to the world of data visualization using Python, focusing on easy-to-use tools like Matplotlib and Seaborn, and also touching on PyTorch for dynamic visuals.

On Campus
Online Certificate Program in Novel Writing

Online Certificate Program in Novel Writing

If you’ve always wanted to write a novel, our Online Certificate Program in Novel Writing is here to make that dream a reality. This six-course series will take you from initial inspiration to a polished manuscript. The flexible two-year format allows you to access courses from anywhere, fit the program into your schedule, and receive invaluable feedback and encouragement from instructors and peers as you work toward completing your novel. Because the program relies on a dedicated, dynamic cohort, admission is by application only.

Applications for the Fall 2024 program will be available in Spring 2024.

To learn more about the curriculum, admission process, tuition, and instructors,

Public Programs

Public Programs

Continuing Studies is pleased to offer a variety of free public programs and special events every year, including lectures, readings, and webinars covering a broad range of subject areas from current affairs to the creative arts.

Learn more about upcoming events

Master of Liberal Arts
Stanford Master of Liberal Arts
Start your next chapter with a part-time, evening graduate degree in the liberal arts.

Stanford’s Master of Liberal Arts Program (MLA) offers an extraordinary opportunity to pursue an interdisciplinary course of study in the liberal arts and earn your master’s degree at one of the world’s great centers of learning. Designed with busy adults in mind, this part-time graduate degree program holds classes in the evenings and offers a flexible academic schedule.


n the MLA program, students form a close-knit cohort that takes courses taught by Stanford faculty. Areas of study include history of science, philosophy, literature, environmental studies, political science, history, and more. Students will hone their ability to write persuasively and creatively, develop compelling arguments, conduct original research, and integrate thinking from multiple disciplines. For many students, these are ends in themselves. For others, these skills serve them well in their professional lives.

MLA applications are accepted from September through January, with classes beginning in September of the following academic year. For more information on the program and admissions details, please visit:

Taking Stanford Continuing Studies courses can be excellent preparation for applying to the MLA program. Each quarter, the MLA program recommends courses that are similar in subject and format to seminars you would find in MLA study.

Stanford flag with leaves in front


Seneca the Stoic: Philosopher, Playwright, Politician

From Lenin to Putin: Russian Society through Literature, 1920-2020

Poverty and Prosperity: Foundations of Economic Development

Shakespeare’s Greatest Comedies

Exploring Human Existence: Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time

Logic across Cultures: Comparing Eastern and Western Philosophical Traditions

The History of Islam: Origins, Influence, and Expansion

Climate Justice in the US: Understanding Disparities and Building a Sustainable Future

From Absurd to AI: Drama for the Age of Uncertainty

© Robert Siegel
Whether you prefer the flexibility of online classes or the vibrant atmosphere of in-person sessions, we look forward to seeing you this Winter Quarter!

Registration opens December 4, 2023, and the quarter begins the week of January 15, 2024.